After leaving the holiday park, Dave and went to Wellington and picked up Natalie from the airport. Natalie and Dave worked at the Tim Hortons camp together over the summer. She flew in from Australia and also got an interview at the resort Dave and I applied to!
In Wellington, we stayed at Worldwide Backpackers again and got the sweetest room. Mainly because it had a mini loft in it. It took us all a few seconds to figure out where the third bed was.
Dave also tried some golden kiwi! It is not as sweet as green kiwi fruit but still tasty.
The day after we got on the ferry to Picton, the gateway to the South Island. You get to see some beautiful ocean and some great landscape. At one point we caught a glimpse of the Kaikoura mountain range in the east coast of the island.
Our hostel in Picton, is called the Juggler's Rest. It has a really cool vibe and a very welcoming atmosphere. Nikki, our host came over from England and also used to be a teacher but couldn't find a job in the age group she was trained in. Boy, do I know the feeling!
At our hostel we were greeted with homemade wool socks! There was also a veggie garden, hammocks, fresh free range eggs and grape vines everywhere.
During the evening we took advantage of the juggling balls, hula hoops, poi and diablos that were lying around. We also hung out on the hammocks and played around with the slack line for awhile too!
Dave also made friends with the resident cat if course. =)
For breakfast, we had freshly baked bread, homemade jam, coffee and fresh grape juice, prepared by our host. The juice was so sweet and delicious with no sugar added! It was a great way to wake up! Afterwards, we hung out and lounged around in the sun like little kitty cats before our interview. We will be off in a few minutes so I better go!
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